The Year A Head.


Ian Kilburn

Consumers across the globe continue to face severe health and financial concerns, and mobility remains somewhat restricted in many parts of the world. 2020 was the year where everything went online, events, companies, dealers, auction houses and parts businesses.

Concourse South Africa

Concourse South Africa

We've already seen the impact of coronavirus on car manufacturing and sales, we've even seen it in racing. Many Classic, Historic and Vintage car owners and enthusiast in South Africa belong to Clubs, whose main offerings are car gatherings, shows, breakfast runs and weekend away events. Although socially distanced track days and small events have been possible at times, computers have loomed larger here, as well.

Simola Hill Climb

Simola Hill Climb

So, it is no surprise that the ongoing pandemic is turning the collector car market upside down. Though the extent of the pandemic's reach is impossible to gauge at this point, it is not a matter of whether the 2021 Classic - Car calendar is going to be affected—it is how much is going to be left when things settle down.

Angela’s Picnic

Angela’s Picnic

Few people have been truly immune to the financial impact of the pandemic. Many people have been forced to review their financial affairs, including decisions whether to keep or sell assets (like classic cars), whether they need a car for commuting (with many now working from home), or even whether the money saved from not commuting could potentially be invested in a classic car! .

No-one can predict what will happen in the year ahead, but with the above lifestyle changes already happening, and with the latest news about vaccines, mass-testing, and the like.

We at Collectible Wheels are optimistic that 2021 will be a positive year for the classic car market, and for our clients.

Historic Racing

Historic Racing